Upcoming paper: “How to Make AI Artists Feel Guilty in a Good Way? Designing Integrated Sustainability Reflection Tools (SRTs) for Visual Generative AI” at ICCC (International Conference of Computational Creativity)

Our student-led study “Upcoming ICCC (International Conference of Computational Creativity) paper: “”How to Make AI Artists Feel Guilty in a Good Way? Designing Integrated Sustainability Reflection Tools (SRTs) for Visual Generative AI” has been accepted to the upcoming ICCC (International Conference of Computational Creativity) conference as short research paper. 


“AI can be energy intensive, and artists are currently lacking access to this information. With the growing concerns of climate change and calls for environmental sustainability, there is a real need to explore strategies to communicate sustainability information to artists using generative AI, given its increasing presence and widening accessibility. This paper presents an exploratory Research-through-Design study (including design-informing survey, design prototyping, user testing) of integrating sustainability reflection features into generative AI systems, and provides preliminary knowledge of the design characteristics that can be leveraged as well as artists experience of them. The results indicate that granular, relatable data visualizations and smart use of colors are effective in communicating about energy consumption. Furthermore, artists were positive towards ”feeling bad” in the process of becoming aware of the consumption, and called for systems that could provide them low-energy settings during exploratory stages of the artistic process.”

Access to the full paper through this link: https://computationalcreativity.net/iccc23/papers/ICCC-2023_paper_78.pdf